Friday, November 14, 2008

The Final Word.

Woman killed by husband's coffin. It doesn't get better than this.

Friday, October 24, 2008

kids and bereavement shortlinks

on Amazon Listmania
The grieving child: the best bereavement books for children

at the Birmingham (UK) City Council's site
Bereavement: A Booklist for Children and Young People

from the Arkansas Children's Hospital's Center for Good Mourning
Lessons from Lions booklet and PowerPoint program utilizing The Lion King

The Hospice Foundation of America's 15th Annual National Bereavement Conference (2008)
Living With Grief: Children and Adolescents

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Event by Wire

Ah... funeral webcasting. We knew it was here, we just hoped it wasn't.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

On the internets today!

My(death)Space a student art show of obituaries, not to be confused with internet memorials like ljers4eternity.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Human plastination

I worked at a Las Vegas Strip casino that was hosting Bodies: The Exhibition. It was the diet Rite version of the Coca-Cola classic, Bodyworlds.

The main difference between diet Rite and Coke in this case is that Bodyworlds' specimens are donated from people wanting to educate normal people about how their bodies function, and Bodies: the Cheap Remains of Chinese Prisoners (I guess that was a working title?).

And there were protesters at our casino until certain things one might call execution bullet holes were removed from certain specimens.

Having witnessed both exhibits, each had something stunning to offer. Bodyworlds, the reclining 8-month pregnant woman (the entire exhibit area swathed in red velvet drapes at the Franklin Institute in Philadelphia for 'sensitive' observers... like they go to see plastinated organs regularly) and Bodies... well, actually it was amazing to see a receptacle filled with the discarded cigarette packs of people who decide to quit smoking upon seeing the lungs of non-smokers next to smokers. Amazing because I had sold some of those packs of Marlboros for $8 just minutes before.

As much as I used to sit and b.s. with my fellow casino employees tarted up in white lab coats and handy organs for props, I leave an explanation of plastination to the experts at Wikipedia.

So... this is a way to donate your body to science without having it poked by college students who might accidentally put some of your odds and ends in the 'cat juices' biohazard bucket (I only did that once)... just, you know. Have thousands of tourists play with your dehydrated kidney.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008


I almost called this blog fun_ass, which suspiciously seems to crop up in the file names of associate degrees in funeral sciences.

This blog is a way to keep my personal archives sorted. And this looks less weird than when I drop a binder and hundreds of clippings of pet memorial stones fan out across the floor of Taco Bell.

I hope it can be a resource for you as well.